About the project
The Jezero Project is located in the eponymous western municipality of the Republic of Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The municipality headquarters is situated in the settlement of Jezero and borders the municipalities of Šipovo, Mrkonjić Grad, and Jajce, equidistant from all three cities (approximately 11 km from each).

Exploration potential
About the project
The license holder for exploration at this location is Lykos-owned SNK Metali d.o.o. Bijeljina.The approved exploration area covers an area of 30.82 km2.
The work will be carried out according to a detailed project plan involving geochemical, geophysical, and geological surveys for lead, zinc, copper, barite, and associated metals.
Based on the positive results of the previous explorations, Lykos believes that there is a high probability of discovering economically viable reserves of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in the area of the Jezero municipality. However, further investigation of these indications is necessary to assess their potential.
Mineralisation and Deposit Types
Epithermal type of the mineralization discovered at the Erak prospect within Sinjakovo tenement extent to the northern part of Jezero license. Mineralisation is characterised by disseminations, nests and veinlets of Barite and Cu-Pb-Zn-Sb secondary minerals with malachite-azurite and occasionally preserved primary minerals tetrahedrite, galena and antimonite.
The mineralisation is hosted in a variety of surface rocks common for phreatic systems:
diatreme breccias follow by a later-stage ferruginous and quartz-rich shears developed in Devonian limestone. The limestone exhibits a several-metres-wide alteration halo, from ankeritic (further away from mineralisation) to marbly (closer to mineralisation).