Continuing the cycle of internal ESG presentations, we discussed the G component. At the very beginning of the presentation, our finance director,  Ivana Kisin, first referred to the fact that in all the existing structures and reporting standards, five topics have been identified to distinguish significant aspects of good corporate governance, such as management purpose, governance quality, stakeholder involvement, ethical behavior and risk and opportunity management. 

Also, aspects and indicators of the company’s success and key performances necessary for successful business were discussed. In the context of the benefits of strong ESG management, it was also pointed out that companies with strong corporate governance practices have responsible owners and leadership teams, clear ESG accountability structures and good process controls. 

In addition, it was emphasized that ESG investor companies assure that the companies they invest in are responsible guardians of the environment, good corporate citizens and are led by responsible managers. In this sense, companies that operate in compliance with ESG standards, experience, on one hand, an increase in care for the environment, and on the other, an increase in value for shareholders, an overall better preparation for achieving long-term goals, as well as increased employee productivity and overall strengthening of the company’s image. 

At the end of this presentation, it was concluded that ESG standards ensure a long-term sustainability of business results and the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Good corporate governance is important for the achievement of the aforementioned goals, with three standing out in particular: responsible consumption and production, peace, justice and strong institutions, and partnership for the goals. 

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